There’s nothing quite as humbling as being a woman and having the realization that you are not only experiencing hair loss but that your hair is noticeably thinning. It can be a wave of emotions ranging from disbelief, to hope, to disappointment, to frustration, to fear and sometimes to despair. There are very few women experiencing hair loss who are able to look in the mirror and immediately be at peace and embrace a thinning scalp. It’s most often a journey of self-acceptance. Many of us spend months, sometimes years looking for the right solution. Sometimes spending tens of thousands of dollars in search of medical answers, trying a range of treatments in an attempt to try and regrow hair, experimenting with hairpieces and trial and error. This article is about how to own your hair loss. Some helpful tips and advice on how to move toward a place of acceptance and hopefully a place of giving zero f#@ks about your hair loss!

Caring Less about what Others think of You:

In my opinion, there are three different categories of people we interact with.

Those we respect. Those we don’t respect or are neutral. Those we don’t know.

Ask yourself that of this group of people, who’s opinion matters to you? Who really impacts your life and what does that mean to you? The people we respect might include your family members, your friends, good co-workers, your dog (obviously) and our significant others. I’m hoping that the people included within this circle earned your respect and would not judge you based on a medical condition. Within this circle, people don’t judge if you choose to wear a hairpiece or not. They don’t judge that you look different or that you have thinning hair. The people you don’t respect are best left in the rearview mirror where they belong. If they judge, so what? Their opinion doesn’t matter because they are gum on the shoe. It’s a reflection of who they are and not the state of your hair…or clothes, car, finances or anything else for that matter. People who would judge you for having a medical condition that happens to be visible for all to see… their lives usually suck. Flush them away.

People Don’t Really Care About Your Looks and Appearance:

“When I first got my CNC, I was really worried about showing up at work with hair 800 times thicker. I was absolutely sure everyone would notice and I would be so embarrassed. I just wanted to look normal! I can share, not one person said anything. Did they notice? Maybe a very few astute people noticed, but what I can say is that even with the knowledge of my hair system, within three days my friends couldn’t remember my hair looking any different. Release the anxiety inside of you! People just don’t really care about how you look. It’s true, you care… you care a lot. People are worried about their own insecurities and the lists of things they deal with in life. Think about it – how much are you really thinking about one ladies eye wrinkles or that lady’s big feet or another girl’s pimples? Maybe the girl is self-conscious of her big feet and won’t wear sandals. As a supportive person wouldn’t you say to her, “Hey, wear what makes you feel good, no one is thinking about your feet,” You say that because it’s true! The same goes for me, I have embraced my hair system and so can anyone. If need extensions, or hair integration you can with so much confidence. Do what makes you feel comfortable and confident and happy with yourself because chances are that no one notices nearly as much as you think they do!”
Marjorie Olsen

Rationalize Your Thoughts:

Ok. So someone does notice you’re wearing hair integration and is staring at your hair. Ask yourself, does this really affect you? Does it really matter to you? Remind yourself that it’s not a big deal considering the important matters in life. Use it as a test of people’s character. If someone judges you because your hair is literally falling out of your head and is not growing back because of a health issue, then this type of person is toxic and needs to be purged from your life.

Remember this is a Challenging Health, Physiological, or Psychological Issue:

You don’t need to reveal or explain your hair loss challenge with anyone. And remember that because it is a medical, physiological or psychological issue, you don’t need to be embarrassed about it. You are not in control of your hair loss. What you are in control of is not letting it negatively impact your life. You are not alone we are all in this together. Reducing the stigma of hair loss is something we are all moving toward in acceptance. Remember you are amazing and beautiful inside and out with hair or without hair. Go live your best life!

In His grip,


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Buford, GA 30519



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